Start a Bible Club

Guidelines For Starting a Bible Club In Your School

The Following Are Suggested Steps for Starting a Bible Club In Your School.

  1. A Bible Club must be initiated by a student. One student should talk to friends to see if there is an interest in starting a club. The students should share ideas about the club. What will the club do? What is the purpose? How often will the club meet?
  2. After the idea for the club has been formulated one or two students should ask a school employee to be a sponsor. Meet with the sponsor to share your ideas. Not all schools require a sponsor so talk to member of other clubs to see if they have a sponsor.
  3. Prepare a constitution which states the clubs name and purpose. A constitution can be anything from one paragraph to several pages. A model constitution can be provided upon request from Liberty Counsel by calling 800-671-1776.
  4. One or two student leaders of the club should meet with the principal or the vice principal in charge of clubs. Present your request to form a club and your constitution at this meeting.
  5. The school should then consider your request and give you guidance for beginning your meetings.


  • Equal access means equal treatment.
  • Religious clubs must be treated equally and receive identical benefits afforded to the secular clubs.
  • Religious clubs may meet during class time if secular clubs meet during class time.
  • Must be student initiated and student led
  • May have a teacher sponsor.
  • May bring in outside speakers.
  • May receive school funding if school funding is provided form other non-curricular clubs.
  • May advertise and promote religious meetings if other secular clubs are allowed to advertise and promote their meetings.
  • May not be denied access unless specific evidence that the club materially and substantially interferes with the normal operation of the school.